Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Multiculturalism (Part II)

A symptom of multiculturalism is political correctness. Political correctness has gotten so out of hand that many organizations and schools have implemented speech codes. Speech codes are used to suppress hate or discriminatory talk in order to create a better atmosphere for members or employees. This sounds great, but does violating someone’s first amendment rights solve the problem of bigotry and racism in America? No, it is an attempt to cover up those feelings instead of openly debating them and tackling the problem head on. The Fort Hood massacre is a classic example of how political correctness can be dangerous. In essence, the military was afraid to discipline Major Nidal Hasan because they did not want to be seen as offensive or discriminating against a Muslim soldier. Hasan, by all accounts, was classified as unstable and delusional. Instead, the Army promoted Hasan to avoid any conflict. British Prime Minister, David Cameron, has said “True multiculturalism acts as a bulwark against further extremism”. French President Nicolas Sarkozy and German Chancellor Angela Merkel have echoed the same sediments. In other words, multiculturalism has not worked, but instead fosters an environment for extremists and terrorists to plot and kill innocent people.

Studies have shown that multicultural communities lack trust, are less charitable, and are unable to develop public infrastructure systems. This makes sense since people with the same heritage and ethnicity tends to colonize in the same area. Every major U.S. city is divided into ethnic sections – Irish, German, Italian, African-American, Chinese, Hispanic, and so forth. Multiculturalism philosophies want to break down these barriers, and that is admirable, but it is misguided. After all, this concept of dividing cities into ethnic sections has been going on for thousands of years. In many respects, pure ethnic communities are how many immigrants cope with being in a new country. After all, in these communities they are free to practice their cultural views and beliefs from their native lands. This is fine, as long as U.S. immigrants assimilate to our language and laws.

In many respects we can blame failed liberal policies for the segregation of minority ethnicities. Many African-Americans and Hispanics have become prisoners to inner city slums. They are living lives filled with poverty, addictions, crime, and poor health conditions. Ever since the passing of the civil rights legislation in the 1960s, liberal politicians have been creating legislation and policies to correct for what they call are social injustices. Policies such as entitlement welfare benefits have given people money, food, housing, and healthcare without ever making a positive impact on society. In essence, we have trained poor minorities and whites to be dependent on the government, and for this reason they will always be poor living in decaying inner cities. And what’s worse, this lifestyle will be passed on to future generations. How do these social justice policies promote multiculturalism? They do not, in fact, they do the opposite and work to segregate the poor and minorities.

The bottom line is that although multiculturalism sounds great and looks great on paper, it is truly hard to accomplish this type of utopia in the real world. In fact, progressive policies such as entitlement benefits, affirmative action, quota systems, speech codes, political correctness, and so forth, are the creating an environment that is the antithesis of multiculturalism. Instead, these mandates, rules, restrictions, and laws are working to increase hostility between ethnic groups and is keeping them segregated in city slums. A nation that is narcissistic, overly sensitive, and offended easily is not going to openly accept other cultures and ideas that conflict with their own views. It simply is not going to happen.

My Book: Is America Dying? (, Barnes and Noble)

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