Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Freedom is Choice

What does freedom mean to me? It is the freedom of choice. The freedom of choice is our right to Life, Liberty, and Pursuit of Happiness and what is protected under our Constitution (of course, only if the choice is legal). I have to right to eat, wear, and drink what makes me happy and feel good. Of course, with all choices come consequences, some good and some bad. People need to fully understand the consequences of their choices.

This is our choice in the presidential election: If you do not like your freedom of choice, then you should vote for Obama. If you want to protect your freedom of choice, then you should vote for Romney. It is that simple. Obama wants the government to think for us. He wants the government to tell us what to eat, what energy to use, and what health insurance to buy. The administration and its cabinet are passing rules, regulations, laws, and mandates at a record pace. And each new regulation, law, mandate, and rule gives American individuals and corporations less choice and hence, less freedom and fewer rights. For instance, the administrations favoritism towards unions is no secret and anyone who joins a union essentially gives up their freedom to advocate and think for themselves. Union workers pay fees and dues to have someone else think for them, make decisions for them, and of course to indoctrinate them to think like the union.

Sure, eating McDonalds and drinking soda every day is not a wise choice. But the government has no business stopping people from making these bad choices. In some respects the private sector may correct this by having insurance companies charge people who are in worse physical shape higher premiums. We have the right to attend college. But the onus should not be on me to subsidize college loans for kids who cannot find a job because they got some useless liberal arts degree. We have the freedom and right to buy a home. But the onus should not be on me to bailout people who bought homes they could not afford. We have the right to be a deadbeat and the choice not to work. But the onus should not be on responsible people to subsidize welfare for these irresponsible choices made by unaccountable people. The problem is that individuals and companies understand the government will come to their rescue and bail them out for making bad choices. Hence, many misguided people believe things like healthcare, unemployment, food stamps, and other handouts are a right. They are not. It is never right to become a burden on society. Why is the onus always on responsible people to come to the rescue? Every person will face tough choices and adverse situations – life is hard. It is the choices we make when dealing with adversity that best define our personalities. Either we become fighters and responsible, or we give up and expect others to shoulder our burden.

Unfortunately, power affects decisions and choices in a negative manner. The more power people attain in the government or at corporations, the more their decision making is tainted into doing what is best for themselves and not the people of the country or the employees of a company. The larger the government and a company becomes, then the likelihood of bad decisions grows exponentially. This is what leads to corruption, fraud, bureaucracy and waste.

As more and more Americans become dependent on the government to make their choices and decisions for them, the less Americans think. The less Americans think, the more of a burden they become on society. The more of a burden Americans become on society, the more our nation falls into debt. And everything spirals out of control from here. Face it; there is less innovative and strategic vision thinking in our country which leads to more and more bad decision making.

The choice is yours, we can choose to make our own responsible decisions and take care of our own wellbeing and the wellbeing of our family, or we can let someone make the irresponsible decisions for us and shoulder our burden on the rest of the nation. With over half the nation on some sort of government dependence and the nation over 16 trillion dollars in debt, on thing is obvious, there are a lot of bad decisions being made and the only ones being held responsible are the select few who are making the right choices who are safeguarding the freedom under the Constitution.

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