The left has bashed the Iraq war for being unnecessary because it was waged on false pretenses. Yes, we all know by now that Saddam Husain did not have biological weapons of mass destruction. Thus, many on the left feel there were other motives and reasons why we attacked Iraq including oil. Regardless, it is easy to defend the Iraq war and repudiate those theories and positions held by the left.
1.The left continuously complains about the United States’ lack of action to prevent the genocide happening in say Darfur, but yet they condone the overthrowing of a genocidal tyrant in Saddam Husain who literally killed tens of thousands of Iraqi citizens.
2.Here are some of the most compelling arguments to attack Iraq: Most intelligence agencies around the globe claimed Husain had weapons of mass destruction; the Democrats voted to take action against Husain; and Husain could have avoided the war by simply letting U.N. inspectors evaluate areas and factories that were of concern.
3.For the leftist who complain that the war was over oil, is it so bad that the end result of the war is that the United States can trade and purchase oil from an ally instead of enemies such as Russia, Venezuela, and Iran?
4.Remember, shortly after 9-11, the United States was attacked using a biological agent (anthrax) through the mail. The attacks killed 5 and wounded 17 and it was revealed that the source of the anthrax was from Iraq. This confirmed they not only had biological weapons, but were already using them to attack the U.S. Of course it was later learned that the man who evaluated the anthrax from the attacks – was the culprit.
5.Iraq is also strategically located in the Mideast next to rogue nations with strong ties to terrorist groups such as Syria and nations trying to obtain a nuclear bomb such as Iran. An American military influence in the region is a good way to help “contain” and minimize the influence of rogue nations in the region.
6.The best way to protect the U.S. homeland from terrorist threats is to take the battle into the region where terrorists are recruited and trained. In other words, the best defense is a good offense.
7.Based on current turmoil in Muslim nations, it appears most Muslims want what we have in the United States and Iraq – A Democracy.
8.Finally, amid the WikiLeaks release of some 250 thousand top secret documents, we learned that the leaders of Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Jordan, and Egypt have been secretly pressing the U.S. to attack Iran and take out their nuclear facilities. Thus, it is plausible that these same Muslim nations were also secretly pressing the U.S. to attack Iraq and to overthrow Husain from power. Remember, Husain had been an aggressor in the region and attacked Kuwait to set off the first Gulf War. The truth is that the leaders of these Muslim nations fear rogue leaders, such as Husain and Ahmadinejad and Muslim terrorist groups, such as Hezbollah, Al Qaida, and Hamas more than Israel.
The bottom line is that the Iraq war may be vastly unpopular in Western civilianization, but the truth of the matter is that most Muslim Mideast governments and Muslim people are secretly happy that Saddam Husain has been executed. They view him and Muslim extremists as the enemy, not Israel.
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