Wednesday, June 22, 2011

What Did You Expect?

What did people expect when Obama was elected president? Many naïve people that were mesmerized by Obama’s phenomenal orator skills really felt the man was Godly and could do no wrong. Well, reality has set in and Obama is human after all. And what’s worse most are learning that Obama was not truly qualified to be president of the United States in the first place.

Two years after spending nearly a trillion dollars to stimulate the economy, unemployment is still above 9% and that number is artificial. It does not include individuals working fewer hours or forced into lower paying jobs. And it certainly does not include all the temporary government jobs created by the census bureau. But what did we really expect from Obama since he has never run a business or held a private sector job. Thus, this should not be surprising to anyone since Obama clearly does not know what it takes to create a job. Instead, Obama has been pushing job killing legislation including cap and trade, healthcare reform, and pro union laws.

Obama has handled our national security issues in a very lax manner to say the least. He prematurely closed Guantanamo, he has given terrorists more rights than our soldiers, and seems genuinely afraid to upset or offend Muslims. In fact, Obama has been going around the globe publicly apologizing for past United States terror policies and has changed the nomenclature in national security documents so they do not offend terrorists. Meanwhile, there have been three terror attacks (one successful on Fort Hood and two unsuccessful on Times Square and the airline underwear bomber) on the United States and Obama seems more concerned about being politically correct than about protecting American citizens. Consider his view on the Arizona immigration law. The Obama administration has not said it will not enforce law and it will not hold businesses accountable for hiring illegal aliens. Hence, Obama has not only refused to build a fence and increase border security, he has ruled out holding anyone accountable for any illegal immigration activity. This is a scary policy given the increased violence on both sides of the border. But what did you really expect since Obama’s view of the law includes ruling on empathy and compassion instead of the law.

Obama’s response to any adversity his administration faces is to blame his predecessor – George W. Bush. He still blames Bush for the high unemployment rate, he blames Bush’s lax oversight for the BP oil spill, he blames the Bush administration for the debt he is amassing, and he has blamed Bush for any struggles in Afghanistan and the rash of terrorist attacks on the U.S. And when blaming Bush does not work, his paranoid administration is quick to go to war against any of his loudest critics including Fox News. But what did you expect from a man who has been nothing but an educator his entire life. After all, his opinions are always correct in the classroom when he is indoctrinating our youths.

When things are not going Obama’s way, he resorts to a brand of Chicago style politics that includes quid quo pro bribes, intimidation, and threats. Obama successfully used these tactics to pass ObamaCare and attempted to use similar methods to protect the reelection bids of Senators Michael Bennet in Colorado and Arlen Specter in Pennsylvania. ObamaCare legislation is loaded with bribes including Gator Aide, the Louisiana Purchase, and the Cornhusker kickback. The Recovery Act is riddled with pork and sweetheart deals for special interest groups. But what did you expect from a man whose biggest claim to fame is being a community organizer in Chicago. As a community organizer Obama never built or created anything tangible, he only told others what to do and it was all done inefficiently at the expense of the taxpayer and charity funding.

Many are surprised about Obama’s ineffectiveness as a leader to manage disasters such as the BP Oil Spill. Sure Obama did not have the power to plug the leak, but he had the power to do everything necessary to contain and clean up the oil and has failed to do so. Two months into the crisis less than 5% of the oil has been removed. But what did you expect from a man who has never managed or lead anything in his lifetime. Face it; Obama was not and is not qualified to be President.

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