Obama campaigned as the man that can bridge our differences and therefore, eliminate barriers. However, Obama has been the most divisive and polarizing president in U.S. history thus, he certainly has not been eliminating barriers but creating them. First of all, Obama is quick to blame others which is the antithesis of bridging our differences. Secondly, most Obama policies have been partisan acts to push his liberal ideology onto the American people. This has created more anger, distrust, and frustration amongst the people and led to the creation of the Tea Party movement. Third, one popular Obama philosophy to eliminate barriers is to stifle opposing viewpoints such as Fox News, or to have citizens “snitch” on each other. This too only creates more friction amongst citizens and media outlets.
The progressive philosophy to spread the wealth, in theory, would eliminate barriers between the rich and poor. Thus, Obama initiatives such as health care reform and increased taxes on the wealthy are believed to be good policies, which in the view of progressives are eliminating barriers. But this philosophy is obviously flawed since over 20 percent of the United States population relies on government handouts to survive daily and over half of all Americans rely on government handouts from time to time. When one group of responsible Americans continuously sees its hard work penalized with higher taxes, this creates anger and frustration. Meanwhile, government entitlements are run with too much waste, inefficiency, and bureaucracy since those who receive these benefits will always remain poor. Hence, a barrier will always remain between the rich and poor and there will always be some animosity between the two factions. Sure, Americans want to help others in need, but there is breaking point.
Consider that the government this year will spend nearly 31,000 dollars for every family. And since entitlement spending constitutes over half the budget this means about 16,000 dollars is being spent on government handouts per family. Since half of the families do not qualify for handouts that means the average family of 4 should be receiving on average 32,000 dollars annually. But we know this is not the case because the government is inefficient. And this does not include billions of dollars in charitable contributions donated each year to help less fortunate Americans. There is plenty of money to go around, but less than 50 cents on every dollar goes to its intended cause. Thus, a larger more inefficient government is a barrier that is wasting taxpayer dollars.
Obama’s philosophy that government is good and corporations are evil is creating larger barriers between these entities. Obama policies such as cap and trade, financial regulatory reform, CAFÉ standards, and pro union legislation have been creating a massive wall between the government and corporations. All these new policies are creating more layers of government bureaucracy, which equates to more division between not only corporations but individuals as well. While the government regulates private sector companies, government entities such as Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, the Treasury, the Securities Exchange Commission, and the Federal Reserve are exempt from these laws. In essence, the government is willing to sacrifice civilian automobile safety to squeeze a few more miles per gallon out of a tank of gas. The government is willing to cost the economy tens of thousands of jobs and increase energy costs to save on a few tons of carbon emissions. Yes, it is the government versus corporations and individuals and this, my friend, is a massive barrier.
Ironically, there are a few instances where Obama has been successful in eliminate barriers – illegal immigration and terrorism. Obama has given illegal aliens and terrorists the same rights as American citizens. Obama has refused to secure our borders, he has refused to enforce state immigration laws, and he has refused to prosecute businesses that hire illegal aliens.
Obama has also tried to eliminate barriers with our enemies abroad. He has apologized for past American behavior meanwhile he has insulted our allies such as Israel. But what has Obama gotten for all his pandering to our enemies – Nothing. They will not help us with sanctions against North Korea or Iran. And Middle East tensions have never been higher.
Thus, the Obama Doctrine is to eliminate barriers that threaten our national security and sovereignty, meanwhile he erects barriers that pits an ever growing federal government against U.S. corporations and citizens.
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