Millions of people that were angry with the Bush administration are now angry with the Obama administration. Both presidents had their own set of problems and most people were and are justified to be disenfranchised by these administrations. However, there is one fundamental flaw with many people that speak out against these administrations; they like to have it both ways. Yes, this is the same flaw that plagues many politicians because they are afraid to make the tough decisions since they do not want to lose potential votes.
For instance, how many political or public global warming activists expect their neighbors to make sacrifices, but they refuse to take any responsibility for their cause. This is more common than not. Obama, Pelosi, Gore, and the fear mongering left expect us to make sacrifices while they are biggest carbon polluters on the planet.
It is annoying how Constitutionalists want to protect state rights from a federal government takeover, but at the same time they want to bypass the states and pass federal legislation to protect their social moral values. They want to take abortion, capital punishment, stem cell research, and gay marriage decisions out of the hands of the people in each state, and enact it as a federal law. The right did not like it when the Supreme Court overstepped its authority to rule on abortion, so what makes it right for the federal government to make decisions on any social issues. It does not!
A majority of the electorate is angry at Congress for running up a massive national debt. Yes, Americans should be angry at this irresponsible behavior because it will have negative consequences on our nation. But, at the same time a majority of Americans are irresponsible and live in debt. So what then gives these irresponsible folks the right to be angry at the government? It does not! Until they get their own house in order, they have no right to be hypocrites.
Scores of people are angry at the government for passing the wasteful 800 billion dollar stimulus because it failed to create jobs. Once again, people have every right to be angry at this wasteful spending. But, at the same time millions of Americans exploited or benefited from any one of a thousand stimulus programs. If any American is collecting extended unemployment benefits, took advantage of the cash for clunkers program, or received a government subsidy for being a first time home owner, they have no reason to be angry at wasteful government spending. People who took advantage of these programs are not part of the solution to our economic woes, but part of the problem. After all, how does it make sense for taxpayers to foot the bill so people can have a new car, home, or even an extension on unemployment?
Americans are angry at Wall Street and other corporations for their role in this economic mess. Yes, people have a right to be angry, but to think government regulation and mandates are the answer is absolutely insane. Remember, anyone taking advantage of government programs are not only being subsidized by fellow citizens, but by corporate America. Hence, if people hate carbon polluters, unhealthy food manufacturers, financial firms, and so forth, but benefit from government programs, then these people are living on the tax dollars from the companies they despise so much. Thus, without corporations subsidizing these hypocrites, they would die!
I am tired of not only political hypocrites, but all those Americans that contradict their actions and words because they want to have it both ways. If everyone only practiced what they preached, the United States would be a much better country.
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