Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Obama the Unconstitutionalist

Anytime the size, power, and stature of the government increases under an administration, there is no question why this is happening. It is happening because the administration is violating the constitution to push their ideology and agenda. And there is no questioning the fact that the government has been growing big time under Obama. He is spending more money than any other president in history and while government jobs are on the rise, private sector jobs and markets have been shrinking. And let’s not forget all the czars that have been appointed by the Obama administration which has not only increased the size and power of the executive branch, but they have no oversight. This obviously is not what our founding fathers had in mind when they placed “checks and balances” of power in the constitution. Besides, most czars oversee activities that are of no business to the federal government such as the pay, faith, or car czars. These are not defined in Article I, Section 8 of the constitution.

Obama has been trampling on the first amendment. He has routinely criticized media outlets, denied White House officials access to the media, and has even used law enforcement to break up peaceful protests. For these reasons Obama and the Democrats are considering such things as the Fairness Doctrine and Net Neutrality to silence their critics. At the same time Obama is trying to reduce the scope of the first amendment he is expanding its power by making is easier for people to form unions.

Obama, like many of his progressive predecessors, has viewed the tenth amendment narrowly, but expanded the view of the interstate commerce clause to push the Recovery Act, Financial Reform, HealthCare Reform, and other mandates and regulations such as those he has imposed on the automotive industry. The interstate commerce clause was designed to prevent states from giving certain business entities an unfair advantage over those competing industries in other states. In essence, the interstate commerce clause was written to prevent “protectionism” amongst the states. Clearly, certain corporations have benefited from Obama policies while others competing in the same markets have been excluded from these inconsistent policies. For instance, certain glass manufacturers have benefited under the Recovery Act, meanwhile their competition has been excluded from these financial benefits. The large financial and healthcare conglomerates are given massive fiscal advantages over their smaller competition in both the healthcare and financial reform legislation. And regulation of the automotive industry has made it nearly impossible for U.S. corporations to compete globally. Besides, where in the constitution does it give the federal government the power to regulate and mandate automotive, healthcare, and financial companies? Article I, Section 8 of the constitution does not have provisions for the government to run these businesses, nor does it give the federal government the right to create agencies and departments such as the environmental protection agency and the Health and Human Services department.

When Obama forced banks to give borrowers a grace period for paying back credit card, mortgage, and or other loans it was a direct violation of the constitutions contract clause. This clause was specifically written to protect lenders from this sort of predatory government interference.

Ironically, as Americans and industry receive the wrath of government intervention and reduced freedoms, illegal aliens and terrorists are obtaining more rights and freedoms. Think about it, the government is on the verge of controlling every decision we make from what food to eat and what healthcare insurance to purchase. On the other hand, terrorists now have the right to civilian trials and illegal aliens are on the verge of receiving less bureaucratic paths to citizenship.

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